
  May I ask a similar question...?

  First, I've been using RedHat since 5.0 & have been running 7.2 
for...well, a long time.  I've grown very tired of RH's reminding 
me so much of M$ that I'd gone so far as to try XP out in hopes I 
could get away from RH & be able to play my games again.

  Anyway, I've no desire to run XP -- or any other M$ OS any 

  A guy I know has offered to burn Gentoo 1.4 for me, &, as I 
have a new 80GB hard drive, I was thinking I'd like to go for it 
& install Gentoo on that new drive -- particularly as Gentoo 
seems to have the ability to run many dos & Windows games quite 

  My question has to do with partitions as well.  I've been 
running the same /home partition on /dev/hdb1 for quite a few 
installs of RH.

# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2              37G  3.4G   31G  10% /
/dev/hda1              76M   15M   57M  21% /boot
/dev/hdb1              12G  511M   10G   5% /home
none                  251M     0  251M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdb2              13G  3.0G  9.3G  24% /backup
/dev/hdd1              75G   20k   71G   1% /backup2

(/dev/hda1 is so big because I have a few different kernels in 

I'll be swapping the current /dev/hdd1 to be /dev/hda & the 
current /dev/hda.

  Now, I've been using DiskDruid for partitioning when I set up, 
& have used fdisk countless times on different drives for 
partitioning, but never during setup.  Will the setup -- 
assuming, as it should, will find all drives & will set fstab 
to mount /dev/hdb1 as /home, or will I have to do that manually 
after first boot as root?


  I've given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off 

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