On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 21:47, Eric Livingston wrote:
> I'm curious regarding the penetration of linux as a comprehensive solution
> for all computing tasks in a normal day. i.e. what percentage of Linux users
> are 100% linux, or even 100% Gentoo for that matter.
> I know a couple of folks who are 100% linux, but the circumstances seem
> rare - i.e. they are server admins in small shops that use Red Hat for
> server work, they don't have to deal with user desktops (which are windows,
> but handled by somebody else), and they use only linux at home (they aren't
> avid gamers, either, so the few linux titles available are sufficient). But
> that particular combination can't be that common, can it?
> I, for instance, run three Gentoo boxes at home, including my server and a
> desktop-configured "play" box. However, the vast majority of my time is
> spent on my XP-based company notebook computer (that also has Gentoo in a
> VMWare virtual machine). My work environment is a hodgepodge of stuff,
> including Windows, Solaris, Linux, and even a couple of Mac X's. We're a
> software development firm so we have to keep a lot of stuff kicking around
> to accomodate clients.
> Also, I'm an avid gamer, and thus at this point I must have Windows to play
> the various games I enjoy.
> So, I'm a long, long way from a day where I could get by touching nothing
> but Linux day in and day out. It would be fair to say, even, that my
> "default" environment is Windows. How about you all?
> Eric
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Gentoo at home Debian at work, though I do run M$ word via cxoffice to
use company templates for documents :/

As for games I mainly stick to mame (xmame-gl) and occasionally warcraft
III via winex.

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