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On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 08:48:21 -0400
"Eric Livingston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does that include work as well? I'm really curious about folks who
> have managed to convert to Linux not just at home (which is far
> easier) but also at work, so that 100% of their own computing time in
> both work and play is done in a linux environment.

I'm one of them, I run 100% linux at home now ( three or four machines,
depends on when they work ;)   I've run OpenBSD for a while, and I
haven't had a working installation of windows since... *ponder* well,
before year 2000 or so, I've borrowed Win2k machines to play Civ3 and
Warcraft 3 when they appeared, but never used them actively...

Work is even worse, its a 100% Linux solution  :-)

> For example, an  administrator who runs 100% linux at home, but works
> in both Linux and Windows server at work would not be 100% Linux by
> this definition. Nor would an admin that has 100% Linux servers, but
> also admins 10 Windows-based client machines in his office.

mm. i'm 100% linux in that case. 

> I'm really wondering how many folks out there are so fully converted
> to Linux in both work and play that they would literally be unfamiliar
> with XP, for instance, having never used it.

Yep, thats about me. I've installed win2k for a few people who are too
afraid to touch the mouse when theres more than five lines of text and a
checkbox, (and taken money for it) but never beyond booting, running
update, reboot, update, reboot.  

> There was a slashdot article a few weeks back that probably planted
> the seed for this question. It was a review of Windows XP by someone
> who claimed they hadn't used Windows even once in six years.

Wasn't that Hemos? 

> I wondered - how many technically proficient people out there could
> make a living and carry on at work and play with computers and *never*
> use anything but linux in 6 years? I suppose if you relaxed it a bit
> and talked about never using Windows (but allowing for Solaris & Mac)
> it would be easier. But I'm curious about folks who literally never
> touch another OS besides Linux in their home and work environments.

It is....   I'd love to get a hand on a Mac OS X box or more, I think
it'd be a great experience. :)


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