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On Thursday 23 October 2003 22:47, Joshua Banks wrote:
> Hello,
> Gentoo Automatically created 3 accounts when I emerged "djbdns".  The
> following where created: dnscache:x:1001:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> dnslog:x:1002:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> tinydns:x:1003:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> The djbdns docs wanted me to create "Gdnscache and Gdnslog" system
> accounts. Confusing. Can I just rename these accounts, delete them and then
> recreate, or does it matter?

Just exchange Gdnscache  and Gdnslog for those the ebuild made.

As for the setup, I wrote this just this saturday, might help.

Right, basic setup.
Tinydns listens on, dnscache(x) listens on an/the external
interface(s). Tiny is the resolver, dnscache the .... (brainfart moment).

My router has it's internal address in /etc/resolv.conf (it's 192 address).

Lets do this backwards, starting with dnscache.
redshat root # cat /etc/dnscache/env/IP
You will need dnscache, and dnscachex. One on the internal that will resolve
anything, and one on the external that will only resolve your domain.
The files in /etc/dnscache/root/ip/ tell dnscache who is allowed access, in my
redshat root # ls -lh /etc/dnscache/root/ip/
total 0
- -rw-------    1 root     root            0 Jul  1 02:43
- -rw-r--r--    1 root     root            0 Jul  1 02:43 192.168
I'm pretty sure an @ will allow anyone.

To tell it what it is authorative for, and where it go for the resolver put
files in /etc/dnscache/root/servers
redshat root # ls -lh /etc/dnscache/root/servers/
total 12K
- -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           10 Jul  1 02:43 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa
- -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          164 Jul  1 02:43 @
- -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           10 Jul  1 02:43 home.gaima.co.uk
redshat root # cat /etc/dnscache/root/servers/0.168.192.in-addr.arpa
redshat root # cat /etc/dnscache/root/servers/home.gaima.co.uk
redshat root # cat /etc/dnscache/root/servers/\@

Reverse for 192.168., forward for home.gaima.co.uk, and for anything else pick
a root server (default config I think).

Now to tinydns.
redshat root # cat /etc/tinydns/env/IP
It only listens on localhost.
Now all you need is the data.

A nameserver
Another nameserver
An A record, with PTR

You'll have to read Dans docs on the data format, I can never remember :)


> I'm not new to DNS, networking and firewalling, but new to how these things
> are done on Linux. I've
> read through the djbdns doc's and need a little confirmation from the linux
> pro's.
> I have Gentoo linux installed on a PC that acts as the firewall and
> defaultgateway for the other 3 pc's on my lan doing NAT and basic packet
> filtering. Right now the Gentoo Linux pc dials-up to the internet to get
> its ip via dialup ppp0. This connection is then shared among 4 pc's. I
> know..slow but this is all I have and it works fine for now. The ip that I
> get every time I dialup is different but the dns server ip's are inputed
> statically in KPPP's dialup tool. So everytime I dialup /ect/resolv.conf is
> popultated with two dns entries temporarily while dialed up.
> What I ideally want if for the other 3 pc's that use the Gentoo linux box
> as their default gateway to also send their DNS requests to this box as
> well and then the Gentoo linux box would do the lookups on behalf of the
> client and then return the requested info to the client doing the request
> or have the requested info already cached.
> Give the description above of what I'm trying to do and the choices given
> below from: http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html , I'm alittle confused as to which
> one does what I'm trying to do. Logically I think #5. Is this correct?
> 1. How to run a cache on a workstation
> 2. How to run a computer without a cache
> 3. How to run a forwarding cache on a home computer
> 4. How to run an external cache for your network
> 5. How to run an external forwarding cache
> My other question is about following some of the directions listed:
> 1st question.
> Quote:
> "1. As root, create UNIX accounts named Gdnscache and Gdnslog."
> Unquote:
> So form the command line as root am I just creating the above "user
> accounts" without passwords??
> 2nd question.
> Quote:
> "3. As root, create an /etc/dnscache service directory, with your IP
> address on the end of the line:
>      dnscache-conf Gdnscache Gdnslog /etc/dnscache"
> Unquote:
> So from the command line i just need to create the directory "dnscache (my
> ip-address)??
> My example:
> mkdir /etc/dnscache
> This creates the dnscache directory but I don't see referenced
> or associated with the "dnscache" directory created???
> But then I'm totally confused with what the heck the following is??
> dnscache-conf Gdnscache Gdnslog /etc/dnscache
> Is this a command or do they want me to make "dnscache-conf", "Gdnscache"
> and "Gdnslog" directories
> under the /etc/dnscache ?????
> The lingo or symantics used have me very confused through out this entire
> document? I don't understand what this means in laymens terms either.
> Quote:
> "4. If your computer is running a DHCP client to obtain a dynamically
> assigned IP address from your ISP, configure the DHCP client to make
> external DNS cache information available to dnscache, and skip to step 8."
> Unquote:
> Well I'm using PPP to dialup to get an ip. Sorry. I've never heard anyone
> use this type of terminology before. I have know idea what it means to
> configure a DHCP client to make external DNS cache information available to
> dnschache.
> I know what dhcp is and does but have no clue what the author is asking
> here.
> Sorry...totally frustrated....
> Thanks,
> Joshua Banks
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Mike Williams
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