Hello Mike,

I read your posting over the weekend. 

>From what I'm trying to do and what your doing and what the djbdns doc's say, 
>TindyDns has nothing
to do with my type of setup. I'm not hosting a dns server that is for public use. I'm 
trying to use djbdns to cache and do lookups on behalf of the clients on the local 
lan. This type
of setup of caching doesn't mention TinyDns at all in the configuration documentation.

Am I missing something here??


> > Hello,
> >
> > Gentoo Automatically created 3 accounts when I emerged "djbdns".  The
> > following where created: dnscache:x:1001:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> > dnslog:x:1002:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> > tinydns:x:1003:200::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> >
> > The djbdns docs wanted me to create "Gdnscache and Gdnslog" system
> > accounts. Confusing. Can I just rename these accounts, delete them and then
> > recreate, or does it matter?
> Just exchange Gdnscache  and Gdnslog for those the ebuild made.

> > I'm not new to DNS, networking and firewalling, but new to how these things
> > are done on Linux. I've
> > read through the djbdns doc's and need a little confirmation from the linux
> > pro's.
> >
> > I have Gentoo linux installed on a PC that acts as the firewall and
> > defaultgateway for the other 3 pc's on my lan doing NAT and basic packet
> > filtering. Right now the Gentoo Linux pc dials-up to the internet to get
> > its ip via dialup ppp0. This connection is then shared among 4 pc's. I
> > know..slow but this is all I have and it works fine for now. The ip that I
> > get every time I dialup is different but the dns server ip's are inputed
> > statically in KPPP's dialup tool. So everytime I dialup /ect/resolv.conf is
> > popultated with two dns entries temporarily while dialed up.
> >
> > What I ideally want if for the other 3 pc's that use the Gentoo linux box
> > as their default gateway to also send their DNS requests to this box as
> > well and then the Gentoo linux box would do the lookups on behalf of the
> > client and then return the requested info to the client doing the request
> > or have the requested info already cached.
> >
> > Give the description above of what I'm trying to do and the choices given
> > below from: http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html , I'm alittle confused as to which
> > one does what I'm trying to do. Logically I think #5. Is this correct?
> >
> > 1. How to run a cache on a workstation
> > 2. How to run a computer without a cache
> > 3. How to run a forwarding cache on a home computer
> > 4. How to run an external cache for your network
> > 5. How to run an external forwarding cache
> >
> > My other question is about following some of the directions listed:
> > 1st question.
> > Quote:
> > "1. As root, create UNIX accounts named Gdnscache and Gdnslog."
> > Unquote:
> > So form the command line as root am I just creating the above "user
> > accounts" without passwords??
> >
> > 2nd question.
> > Quote:
> > "3. As root, create an /etc/dnscache service directory, with your IP
> > address on the end of the line:
> >
> >      dnscache-conf Gdnscache Gdnslog /etc/dnscache"
> > Unquote:
> > So from the command line i just need to create the directory "dnscache (my
> > ip-address)??
> >
> > My example:
> > mkdir /etc/dnscache
> > This creates the dnscache directory but I don't see referenced
> > or associated with the "dnscache" directory created???
> >
> > But then I'm totally confused with what the heck the following is??
> >
> > dnscache-conf Gdnscache Gdnslog /etc/dnscache
> >
> > Is this a command or do they want me to make "dnscache-conf", "Gdnscache"
> > and "Gdnslog" directories
> > under the /etc/dnscache ?????
> >
> > The lingo or symantics used have me very confused through out this entire
> > document? I don't understand what this means in laymens terms either.
> >
> > Quote:
> > "4. If your computer is running a DHCP client to obtain a dynamically
> > assigned IP address from your ISP, configure the DHCP client to make
> > external DNS cache information available to dnscache, and skip to step 8."
> > Unquote:
> >
> > Well I'm using PPP to dialup to get an ip. Sorry. I've never heard anyone
> > use this type of terminology before. I have know idea what it means to
> > configure a DHCP client to make external DNS cache information available to
> > dnschache.
> > I know what dhcp is and does but have no clue what the author is asking
> > here.
> >
> > Sorry...totally frustrated....

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