----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Stubbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Compiling KDE

> On Sunday 30 November 2003 10:43, Dennis Robertson wrote:
> > On google someone suggests the latest headers are broken and to use
> > 2.4.19-r1.ebuild. I have this version installed.
> Are you sure it's not slotted? i.e. are there any other linux-headers
> installed? If there are, then the other ones have probably overwritten
> 2.4.19 headers. To rectify, remove them all and reinstall 2.4.19.

Sorry, Jason, can you please expand on how to check and replace. I simply
did an emerge -Cvp linux-headers and the response was to R 2.4.19. I assume
that means it is installed.

> > Someone else suggests
> > changing the kde-libs ebuild to include --disable-strict
> > and --disable-warning. I tried this with a crash at the same point.
> If this didn't work, then it sounds like the error your getting is
> to the error that the above two suggestions are meant to fix. Can you post
> the output just to confirm?

The output is as stated in my post.
> Jason
> --
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