On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Paul Grenyer wrote:

> Hi
> > I'm a Linux-Desktop newbie, but i can only say that i've installed
> > Gentoo on my ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe (NForce 2) without any problem.
> > The network interface has been detected from the first boot on,
> > audio works fine (so far), but i'm not using RAID and/or
> > Serial-ATA harddisks yet.
> That's interesting. my NIC isn't being detected at boot. I tried net-setup,
> but that didn't detect it either.
> I've just had a look on the Gentoo website with the intention of downloading
> the 2CD LiveCD, but there only appears to be version 1.4 and I was hoping to
> get the equivalent 2CD set to the single LiveCD with the 2.6 kernel as that
> boots on my system.
> Even if I could get my NIC working my ISP (pipex) are so unreliable that the
> connection would get dropped during the install.
> Does anyone have any advice? Should I download the 2CD LiveCD for my Athalon
> XP and see if it works, or am I better waiting for a release with the 2.6
> Kernel?
> Regards
> Paul
> Paul Grenyer
> Web: http://www.paulgrenyer.co.uk
> Please note my change of email address!
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

See my other post on this subject, you can just try
modprobe nvnet

and if the module is not present on the CD,

emerge nforce-net

it would help if you have the sources present - get them from  

prior to installing.

According to Nvidia this driver doesn't work on 2.6 (I tried it - it 
didn't compile), so afaik you'd better use 2.4.


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