On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 12:10, Spider wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 11:56:46 +0100
> Redeeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > so, to produce the best quality mp3 with variable bitrate joint sterio
> > 320kbps i shall do:
> Here's from the quite good Lame Manual :
>       Joint-stereo is the default mode for stereo files with VBR when -V  is
>       more  than  4  or  fixed bitrates of 160kbs or less.  At higher fixed
>       bitrates or higher VBR  settings, the  default is stereo.
> > 
> > lame -m j -q 0 -v -b 32 -B 320 -V 0
> > 
> > i guess 0 is best in -V too?
> Yes, But I'm not sure you -want- to do -V 0. Really. (flac is a better
> alternative)
> > for ogg to get 320kbps joint sterio and variable bitrate i dont
> > understand? does it do that automatically?
> once more, do you want 320kbps, or 320kbs maximum?  Ogg Vorbis doesn't
i want 320kbps maximum, so that it takes what the track really is, some
places on a track it might be 96kbps, where other places might be
320kbps, then i want it to save the mp3 like that, so in the middle of
the mp3, it might be 320kbps, but in the beginning maybe 120kbps
> have the "max is 320 kbps"  limit that mp3 does, so to limit Vorbis down
> below 320 kbps just because lame does

> as for stereo/ joint stereo,  ogg has one mode there, quite simplistic
> but no quality tradeoff.
so ogg *only* supports to have vbr ?
>  more good information
> man 1 oggenc
> man 1 lame
> //Spider
Regards, Redeeman
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