Tom Hosiawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After doing some googling, I know I can't mount a music cd.
> So if I want to rip the songs of the cd to mp3's with a program like
> lame, how do I tell it where the input wav file is? Or is there some
> better way to ripping music cd's?


I'm sure everyone has their own favorite ways to do this.  Here's

   emerge cdmp3 

,----[ ripcd ]
| #!/bin/bash
| if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
|     echo "usage: ripcd device path [other args]"
|     exit 1
| else
|     device=$1 path=$2
|     shift 2
| fi
| exec cdmp3 -b 192 -d ${device} \
|     --ogg \
|     --write-meta \
|     --buffer \
|     --format "${path}/%a/%l/%n - %t.ogg" \
|     $@

  1. insert CD
  2. run "ripcd /dev/cdrom /space/music"


Matthew Kennedy
Gentoo Linux Developer
Bugs go to!

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