so, to produce the best quality mp3 with variable bitrate joint sterio
320kbps i shall do:

lame -m j -q 0 -v -b 32 -B 320 -V 0

i guess 0 is best in -V too?

for ogg to get 320kbps joint sterio and variable bitrate i dont
understand? does it do that automatically?

On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 11:30, Spider wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 10:31:18 +0100
> Redeeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > now we talk about this, what encoder for mp3 supports 320kbps variable
> > bitrate joint sterio ? that is the thing that generates best sound for
> > the disk cost, but now i want to test ogg too, (and maybe stop use
> > mp3).
> Lame.   And anything that uses lame.
>  (always with -q 0 which is due to a broken implementation of lame. It
> allows you to do a speed vs. quality tradeoff for encoding. -q controls
> the psychoacoustic. 0 == best, 9 == worst. Ever had a 320 kbs mp3 that
> sounds utter crap?  this is the reason. )
> -m j for joint stereo 
> Do fex, say we want VBR, scaling between 32 and 320 with a quality
> threshold :
> lame -m j  -q 0 -v -b 32 -B 320  -V 2
> -b == lower threshold
> -B == upper threshold
> -V == quality pivot point. ( compare -q in oggenc )
> or you can use the highest possible with their included preset  :
> ( I don't recommend CBR.  And ABR at 320 is useless because mp3 doesn't
> support higher values )  
> For CBR 320kbps (highest quality possible from
> the --preset switches):
> --preset insane
>       This  preset  will  usually be overkill for most people and most
>       situations, but if you must have the  absolute  highest  quality with
>       no regard to filesize, this is the way to go.
> Personally I recommend -V 2 or 3 or thereabouts..  Experiment with a
> track or five and see what you like.
> For ogg encoding, its even simpler, and produces overall better quality
> (see other thread about ogg quality and encoding ).
> oggenc -b 320 <filename>
> Will produce an abr file with 320 kbps..  Not particularly perfect.
> for a Variable quality threshold, simply do :
> oggenc -q 8.5 <filename>
> -q is the quality designator / tradeoff /pivot.  ( -V with lame)
> -1 is worst, 10 max.
> I usually use 8,  which gives an average bitrate of around 250 kbps 
> //Spider
> > in case, what encoder for ogg/vorbis? and how to use.
> see previous reply ;)
Regards, Redeeman
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