040207 Grendel wrote:
> I need some advice about switchin from mandrake 9.1 to gentoo.
> My setup is this, Athlon 3000xp with Asus a7n8x motherboard

i did something v similar 0310 & was surprised how easy it was.
Gentoo has excellent dox & is much more user-friendly than its reput'n
& there's a v friendly community of developers/users.
you do have to pay attention to what you're doing, of course.

> My 80gb disk is partioned in to / and /home, I would like to keep /home.

copy  /home  to CD & re-install it: surely, that's simplest.

> I have downloaded the athlon-xp optimised 2 live cd's.

just what i did.

> My nvnet nforce2 ethernet is automatically detected by the live cd1,
> so I have everything working.

you don't need the Internet to install Gentoo, if you use GRP.

> Now since this is for my workstation,
> I would like to get it up and  running fast, so I have some questions.
> 1. Can I install using the 2 live'cds
> and then upgrade later to the recent sources?

yes, that's what i did.

> 2. How long will it take to get a running KDE set up w the live cd's.

a few minutes or less: use the compiled version on CD 2 .
i'm still using that version, while i wait for KDE 3.2 to become reliable.
i use Konqueror as my regular browser, but XFCE as desktop.

> 3. I have a broadband connection so large downloads are not a problem.

that's important once you have a running system & want to update things.

with similar h/ware & I/net connection to yours,
i downloaded/compiled/installed OpenOffice 1.1 in  c 5 h 30 m 
& this wk ditto KOffice 1.3 in  1 h 16 m .
obviously, you do it on a spare desktop while you get on w other things.

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