I get bombed all the time in IRC and called "your one of those gentoo
users" and usually kicked and banned just for saying i use gentoo.
Doesnt matter to me I dont care what people use as long as it isnt
windoze. Do and use what makes you happy as long as it isnt windows!!

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 22:34 -0400, S. Bergeron wrote:
> On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 08:58:58PM -0500, kashani wrote:
> > Grant wrote:
> > 
> >     I've only done the discriminating based on other people's non use of 
> > Gentoo. :-)
> I don't really care what people run, so long as it makes sense for their 
> environment.  I have machines running NeXTstep and GNU/Hurd, but, 
> obviously, I don't put them in production environments.  Same goes with 
> Gentoo.  I use it on personal machines only.
> >     Actually mentioning Gentoo was a good way of getting past the "so 
> >     have you ever heard of Linux" conversations I ran into last time I went 
> > to 
> > a LUG. I will admit that this particular LUG was populated by some serious 
> > dyed in the wool longhair-ed hippie types complete with oddball PhD's in 
> > dead languages. Having had a haircut that month it was apparently 
> > impossible that I actually already used Linux so I was offered a live 
> > CD, numerous times, by the same people. It finally stopped when I said:
> > 
> > "Thanks for the Ubuntu disk, but I use Gentoo."
> Ubuntu users have usurped Gentoo users for most pushy and annoying.  
> That said, it's a very nicely put together release of Debian Unstable, 
> as are Xandros, Progeny, etc.  I would happily start a new user on it, 
> as opposed to Novelldrake, Fedora, etc. etc.
> For production servers, however, I still stick to things with somewhat 
> better QA -- NetBSD, Debian Stable.  I had been big on FreeBSD, but 
> FreeBSD 5 is just horrid.
> --
> S. Bergeron, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No, I don't need a gmail invite, thanks.

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