Am 04.11.2010 21:17, schrieb Mick:
> Then I ran xrandr again as Florian suggested and this is what it shows:
> $ xrandr --output DVI-0 --auto  <--this gives 1920x1080
> $ xrandr --output DVI-0 --right-of-VGA-0 --verbose
> xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1920x1920 (desired size 3200x1080)
> As a result it does not place the DVI on the right of the VGA driven monitor. 
> Can you please explain this error to me - why does it complain?

Hmm, do you still have an xorg.conf file or changed settings in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d? If you have, can you post it please?

I think it is related to the
'SubSection "Device"
        Virtual xdim ydim'
setting but I'm not sure. In any case, if I were you, I'd try running
without any xorg.conf and see whether auto-configuration can handle it.
Oh, and if you are still on x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.*, please try
x11-base/xorg-server-1.8.2 with USE="udev -hal"

Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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