On Wednesday 08 December 2010, Dale wrote:
> <<< SNIP >>>
> I have a question.  The cooler Master HAF 932 case has some LARGE fans
> in it, about 200mm or so.  The Gigabyte mobo has power connectors for
> case fans.  Is it safe to plug a fan that large into the mobo?  I have
> no idea how much power it pulls.  If it is safe, that would be great and
> a lot easier.  If not, I'll use the adapter thingy.  I just don't want
> to hook it to that and burn out my mobo.
> I got most of the stuff in today.  Waiting on the DVD drive, a cable or
> two and the video card.  So far, assembly is going well.  Since I got
> some extra time, I'm going to try to do some good cable management.
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

depends on how much the fan needs and how much the mobo delivers. You can find 
all that information in the manuals ;)

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