On 14 September 2011, at 11:25, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> ...
>> No, by "you know what needs to be done" I mean: code. Contribute.
>> Become a developer. Make shit happens the way you think it should
>> happen.
>> Shut up and code. Google it, I didn't come with the phrase.
> Just as a matter of interest, how much coding have you done for open
> source or free software?  It was conspicuously absent from the CV you
> posted here a few days ago.

That's got nothing to do with it, and it's rude of you to make this about 
Canek, IMO.

It's YOU who wants things differently from the planned roadmap, so why 
shouldn't YOU code the features?

There have been a couple of posts in this thread, I don't recall who made them, 
who talked of the "1% of users forcing this change on the other 99%". This is 
an exceedingly disingenuous argument - it's the Gentoo users, the objectors, 
who are the 1%. 99% of users won't even notice this, because they're using 
binary distros. 

My inclination is to agree with you. I detest initramfs, but I don't 
significantly partition my disks, so I'm unaffected. But if you care you'd 
better stop whining and get coding.

It's inexcusable of you to try and turn the problem around and question Canek's 
contributions to OSS if you're unprepared to make any yourself.


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