On Tuesday, 13. September 2011 17:53:04 Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Michael Schreckenbauer <grim...@gmx.de> 
> > There are already devs on "our" side. Fortunatly one of them maintains
> > openrc> 
> > :)
> I really don't see them as "sides". "We" are not at "war".


> And if
> OpenRC is capable of booting without needing an initramfs, I really,
> truly believe that is *GREAT*. But
> a) It doesn't stop OpenRC to actually use an initramfs
> b) Doesn't mean every other part of the stack will keep working
> without an initramfs *AND* with a separated /usr.
> c) Doesn't mean there are enough developers to keep supporting the
> things upstream stop supporting.
> Again, it all comes down to whoever writes the code. If Vapier wants
> to support OpenRC for systems without initramfs and a separated /usr,
> that's amazing and we should all said thanks to him and the other devs
> for the extra effort. But it *WILL* be extra effort for him the moment
> more upstreams choose to assume that either /usr is in /, or that the
> system boots with an initramfs.
> We can thank Vapier, but we cannot *demand* of him to support whatever
> we want. Nor to any other dev.

I do not demand anything from any developer (unless I pay him).
> So,if you *TRULY* believe that Gentoo should forever and ever support
> any setup it has supported up until now, better start coding. Because
> otherwise you can never be sure somebody else will do it for you.

Not that it has some value for this discussion, but I *do* code. It's just not 
udev, openrc or as a gentoo-dev.
If gentoo follows fedora on this mandatory initramfs trail, I'll switch to 
FreeBSD completely. My software works on way more systems than just "Linux".

> And maybe I shouldn't even mention it, but I don't use OpenRC. I use
> systemd. And it works great on Gentoo.

Well. Linux only. If I wanted a monoculture, I would use MS-Windows or OSX.

> Regards.


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