On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Michael Schreckenbauer <grim...@gmx.de> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 13. September 2011 17:53:04 Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Michael Schreckenbauer <grim...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
>> > There are already devs on "our" side. Fortunatly one of them maintains
>> > openrc>
>> > :)
>> I really don't see them as "sides". "We" are not at "war".
> :)
>> And if
>> OpenRC is capable of booting without needing an initramfs, I really,
>> truly believe that is *GREAT*. But
>> a) It doesn't stop OpenRC to actually use an initramfs
>> b) Doesn't mean every other part of the stack will keep working
>> without an initramfs *AND* with a separated /usr.
>> c) Doesn't mean there are enough developers to keep supporting the
>> things upstream stop supporting.
>> Again, it all comes down to whoever writes the code. If Vapier wants
>> to support OpenRC for systems without initramfs and a separated /usr,
>> that's amazing and we should all said thanks to him and the other devs
>> for the extra effort. But it *WILL* be extra effort for him the moment
>> more upstreams choose to assume that either /usr is in /, or that the
>> system boots with an initramfs.
>> We can thank Vapier, but we cannot *demand* of him to support whatever
>> we want. Nor to any other dev.
> I do not demand anything from any developer (unless I pay him).
>> So,if you *TRULY* believe that Gentoo should forever and ever support
>> any setup it has supported up until now, better start coding. Because
>> otherwise you can never be sure somebody else will do it for you.
> Not that it has some value for this discussion, but I *do* code. It's just not
> udev, openrc or as a gentoo-dev.

Me too. That's why I put so much value on the people that writes the code.

> If gentoo follows fedora on this mandatory initramfs trail, I'll switch to
> FreeBSD completely. My software works on way more systems than just "Linux".

That's of course your prerogative. And, as I said before: "Linux
strives to be much more than Unix, and that means do things
differently." If you want to do things the same way that it was done
in the last 20 years, maybe Linux is not the best of choices.

I myself think the new technologies are worth to change the way we did
things before. But that's just me.

>> And maybe I shouldn't even mention it, but I don't use OpenRC. I use
>> systemd. And it works great on Gentoo.
> Well. Linux only. If I wanted a monoculture, I would use MS-Windows or OSX.

Relax man. I mention what I use: I'm not forcing you (or anybody else)
to use it. But I repeat (because I said it before) that I care about
Linux, and Linux only.

But that's just me.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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