On 30/09/2013 19:25, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-09-30 1:10 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> 150gb for / with usr and you will be fine for ages.
> I'm curious what a common/average size is for desktops...
> My /usr, without portage files, is @ 5GB.
> My current / is only 83M, so even after I merge /usr into it, it will
> still be only @ 5GB...
> But, this is a server, so...
> For an average desktop, loaded with software (say, KDE, Libreoffice,
> etc), how much will /usr grow to? Or more specifically, what is a
> *reasonable* maximum one could expect?

The big space hogs are:


most of that comes from KDE and Gnome. Both systems are huge and bundle
lots of "accessory" files - best descriptive word I could find.

The main culprit by far is artwork - themes, wallpaper, sound themes,
icon collections and so on. Second is marble, celestia and similar geo*
type apps with their maps.

I'd say 20G total is a) lots more than you'd actually need even with
tons of unneeded artwork and b) a tiny fraction of the smallest
(spinning) disk you can buy these days.

So 20G is a good upper limit to start with. Marble and celestia users
can bump it up according to their needs - anyone who has detailed maps
of the entire Earth's land surface likely already knows how much disk
space it takes up :-)

Alan McKinnon

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