On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:34:16 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> On 28/01/2014 14:28, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> >> Really?, Try that approach at a carrier network support center,
> >> where  
> >> > new stuff is rolled out to cutomers without first explaing, warning
> >> > and offering up options.....   It's shows a blatant disrespect for
> >> > the existing customer base.  Nobody in business, treats existing
> >> > customers that way, imho.  In industry, punks with that mentality
> >> > get *FIRED*....  
> > Yes, really. People boot a distro's live CD, maybe install it, and
> > make quick decisions about whether they like it or not.

> James isn't talking about whatever the latest flavour of the month
> happens to be that you like. He's talking about the firmware running on
> carrier core, or on the black box installed at the customer's edge. Or
> the company portal that lets our customers drill deep down into their
> traffic stats or do monitoring or investigate billing.
> I work in carrier and that shit is sacrosanct so change it at your
> peril. I really couldn't care what desktop the user runs today as I
> don't support any of them, just the API we present to the world.
> I think you are looking at this from the POV of a desktop end user,
> while James and I are talking about infrastructure that the end user
> only gets to use, never change.

The question was about desktop usage, it was about moving from KDE to
LXDE. How things work in a completely different environment is
irrelevant, the rules are different.

Neil Bothwick

Politicians are like nappies
Both should be changed regularly, and for the same reason

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