On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:44:32 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> To Neil and Alan: These examples are trite and are simply and quickly
> offered up as examples on each others perspectives, irrespecitve of
> minutia. Old dogs snarl quite a bit, but do not move off of their
> haunches, unless sufficiently motivated.

I like that one :)

> WE can all "wax poetic" about do's and don't of trite examples: the
> point is it's not KDE place to change *MY* anything, unless I want it
> by taking specific action or they use a proper roll out semantic. KDE
> lost site of that, and many astute folks have left for greener
> pastures. QT/Nokia going over to the "dark side" (aka MicroSoft) has
> not helped KDE either.

Oh, I got rid of the semantic stuff years ago. I try to put my files in
logical folders, and for when I don't there are always find, grep and
panic - in that order.

As I said, I've tried other desktops before, I know KDE uses a lot of
resources, but I always found them wanting. I was messing with a live CD
today and saw a KDE/Openbox option in the login options. So I installed
Openbox on my desktop machine and that option appeared. I still get my
KDE apps but with Openbox instead of Plasma and KWin, and first
impressions are that it is much faster.

I may find something I can't do without by tomorrow, and it doesn't look
as nice (yet) but this may be just the compromise that suits me.
Discussions like this are useful in getting you to explore other options,
even if you have tried to before.

Neil Bothwick

Keyboard: (n.) a device used by programmers to write software for a mouse
or joystick and by operators for playing games such as 'word processing.'

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