On 01/07/2014 11:48, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hell list,
> I don't know when it started, but recently I've been getting error e-mails 
> from cron, thus:
> Password: 501 Not authorised --- Reply not authenticated
> They're all timed at 03:10:0x, i.e. one minute after cron.daily tasks are 
> run, 
> and they occur at 7- or 8-day intervals. The only files in /etc/cron.daily 
> are 
> logrotate and man-db, neither of which I've touched.
> I've been expiring that e-mail folder at 30 days, so I have only four 
> instances - I've now set the lifetime to 366 days to allow a history to build 
> up.
> Anyone have a clue to this? It's hardly earth-shattering, but it might be 
> good 
> to find out what's going on.

the error looks like an http error.
Got any crons running wget, curl or lynx?

Alan McKinnon

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