On Sunday 13 Jul 2014 16:54:54 Dale wrote:
> Dale wrote:
> > Mick wrote:
> >> Please try this: Go the PC that keeps getting these messages in its
> >> logs. Run: $ chrony chronyc> password password:
> >> <manually_enter_your_chrony_Passwd> If the passwd is wrong, or some
> >> characters are incompatible with the terminal, then you will get:
> >> "Password: 501 Not authorised --- Reply not authenticated" You can
> >> test this by entering the wrong passwd initially. Unfortunately, I no
> >> longer have the PC running chrony to test it here.
> > 
> > Since I'm having the same issue:
> > 
> > root@fireball / # chronyc password
> > Password:
> > 501 Not authorised --- Reply not authenticated
> > root@fireball / #
> > 
> > So, that answers that question. It seems a password needs to be set here.
> > 
> > < scratches head >
> > 
> > It also seems we have the default setup and we all get this error at the
> > same time.  I got mine just a bit ago.
> > 
> > Dale
> > 
> > :-)  :-)
> Update.  This *SEEMS* to make it happy.
> /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
> Make it look something like this:
> 1 testchrony
> 2 MD5 HEX:B028F91EA5D93D06C2E140B26C7F41EC
> 3 SHA1 HEX:1DC764E07B1911FA67EFC7ECBC4B0D73F68A070C
> The password is behind #1.  You also need this file set up too.
> /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
> This is the key part:
> # Tell chronyd which numbered key in the file is used as the password
> # for chronyc. (You can pick any integer up to 2**32-1.  '1' is just a
> # default.  Using another value will _NOT_ increase security.)
> commandkey 1
> Should be able to just uncomment the thing.  Restart chrony, or I guess
> you could tell it to reload the config, then test again.
> root@fireball / # chronyc password
> Password:
> 200 OK
> root@fireball / #
> Now let's see if I get a email with a error next week.  o_O

Right, you need to set up your /etc/chrony/chrony.keys file, but Peter said 
that he had configured all this.


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