On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 12:07:26 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:

> > Why is a new installation using a 1980s partition scheme?
>   Is that you, Lennart?  But seriously, if it works, why junk it?

If it works, why are you having problems with it?

>   Here's my question to you... why should we junk software that works,
> i.e. it does what we need?  I want a real reason.  The fact that it's
> old is not a justification.  Neither is "teh shiney".

It's not the age in years, it's that it was designed for a world where a
10MB drive was considered large. MBR is full of kludges to get it to work
with drives a tiny fraction of the size of current hardware, like the
stupid 4 partition limit.

GPT has no such restrictions, and it more reliable too, as it saves a
backup of the partition table. MBR doesn't even save the partition table
at all one you introduce logical partitions, let alone a backup.

Not all progress is to make it more shiny, some just works better and
learns from the past. Or are you still using XFree86 rather than XOrg? :P

Neil Bothwick

Windows will never cease.

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