On 23 Jul 2015 16:18, <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23 2015, Paul Tobias wrote:
> > On 23 Jul 2015 02:31, <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> >>
> >> My new installation is running well, in particular it boots fine.
> >> However the grub2-mkconfig seems odd.
> >>
> >> It finds linux (all kernels) and the stub windows partition.  But then
> >> get messages that both ext4-fs and FAT-fs have trouble with /dev/sda4,
> >> which is the extended partition.  Perhaps the fact that the windows
> >> partitions sda[23] don't really have windows on them yet is part of the
> >> answer??
> >>
> >> Has anyone else seen something like this?
> >>
> >> thanks,
> >> allan
> >
> > Maybe there was another partition on the disk around that location
> > and the file system signature is still lurking around? Run `wipefs
> > /dev/sda4`,  that will show you which signatures are there.
> Wow what a command name!  When I first read your msg I had a double
> take, since wiping (i.e., erasing) /dev/sda4 would erase my entire linux
> installation.  Reading the man page helped, but I would like one more
> piece of assurance.  Am I correct in believing/hoping that when the man
> page says
>    When used without options -a or -o, it lists all visible filesystems
>    and the offsets of their basic signatures.
> it means
>    When used without options -a or -o, it lists all visible filesystems
>    and the offsets of their basic signatures *and erases nothing*.
> I really don't want to damage any "signature" on the extended partition
> that is needed to access the "sub-partitions" it contains.  As I said
> my newly installed gentoo resides on those sub-partitions.
> thanks.
> allan

yes,  wipefs doesn't actually write anything if ran without options. I use
it when I suspect blkid doesn't show me all the signatures.

but my message was a shot in the dark because I didn't actually see the
exact error message you are getting. please send the output of wipefs
/dev/sda4 and the error message you are getting together with the actual
commands you are running to get the output. that way there will be more
helpful replies (and hopefully less flame).

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