On Tue, 31 Aug 2021 09:33:06 -0400, John Covici wrote:

>  or if there is a way to add zfs to the sysresc cd, I might do
> that.

There is, I posted a link last week.

>> You can also add additional modules to sysrescd, so it may be easier to
>> stick with that and add ZFS to it.
>> Looking at https://www.system-rescue.org/Modules/ it looks like you just
>> install them after booting the live USB then run cowpacman2srm to put
>> everything you installed onto a file that you add to the USB stick. See
>> the section titled "Creating SRM modules out of pacman packages".

Neil Bothwick

Snacktrek, n.:
 The peculiar habit, when searching for a snack, of constantly
 returning to the refrigerator in hopes that something new will have

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