On 02/06/2024 14:27, Dale wrote:
Should I put
the portage work directory on a spinning rust drive to save wear and
tear on the SSD or have they got to the point now that doesn't matter
anymore?  I know all the SSD devices have improved a lot since the first
ones came out.

The stuff I've seen says that SSDs have now reached the point where their typical life expectancy *exceeds* spinning rust.

The problem is they are typically programmed to do apoptosis (destroy themselves when things go wrong), which means once a drive fails it is DEAD.

I've recovered several apparently-dead spinning rust drives (and made a few quid that way), but whereas I backed up, and then binned, the zombie drives it looks like an SSD won't give you the opportunity.

About the only thing spinning rust has in its favour nowadays is bang for buck - the cost per GB is noticeably cheaper. Even there, an SSD is likely to be cheaper to run, so "always on" swings the pendulum away from rust ...


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