On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Uwe Thiem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: 
[gentoo-user] linux desktop search engines are ugly!':
>Think of secretaries who aren't interested in computers but need to use
> them. Think of musicians who want to use computers for composing without
> really under them. Think of any person who just uses computers without
> actually knowing what a file or a directory is. Computers aren't for
> geeks only.

Computers are tools, and thus, have some required knowledge to use them.  
If you don't know what a file or (directory/folder) is, you should stay 
away from them -- you might hurt yourself.

You don't use power tools or even cars without training for the same 

>> Using those search engines is like reinventing the wheel or programing
>> embedded devices with java... ;)
>Or like inventing the next generation wheel.  Think of people using a
>microwave for heating up food. They know they can do that. They don't
> need to know that only water, fat and sugar actually heat up in a
> microwave as long as they stick to food. If they start to experiment
> with other things ... well, they have to understand how microwaves work.

I don't expect my users to be able to write a filesystem in C, design an 
IC, or understand the OSI 7 layer model.

I do expect them to be able to use files and folders (a.k.a. directories).  
Especially since most office workers, and quite a few non-office workers 
use files and folders to mange their paperwork every day.

I'm sure DSE will be a feature many users will like and probably even 
become dependent on.  It's NOT the "next generation wheel", it's not even 
something I'll use, but it has it's place.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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