> Now my ~/bin/Xinitialize begins
> #!/bin/sh
> sleep 2
> if xrandr | grep "VGA connected" ; then
>     xrandr --verbose --output VGA --mode 1600x1200 --output LVDS --off
> else
>     xrandr --verbose --output VGA --off --output LVDS --mode 1680x1050
> fi
> xset s reset                    # above seems to blank the screen
> sleep 3
> This sets 1600x1200 and turns off the laptop screen when the ext
> monitor is in.  It sets 1680x1050 and turns off driving the external
> monitor connector (which may well be a useless step) when there is no
> ext monitor connected.

Thanks for your answer, i will try if i can get it working like this
but randr doesn't seem to work on the secondary device. I have heard
that nvidia cards doesn't support randr 1.2 so i will give it a try
with randr disabled in my configuration.

One thing is that i want the two screens (where i can move between
with the mouse) avaialable not only one. I would also prefer a
solution which works with the xorg configuration file.


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