On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:42:09 +0200
Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 12 September 2008 02:51:21 Dale wrote:
> > Get a Yahoo email account and pay for POP access, about $20.00 a
> > year I think.  I think this will make it so that I never have to
> > change email addresses when I switch ISPs and will get the same
> > service regardless of who I connect to the internet with in the
> > future.  This is a long term fix to my email switching issue.
> Use Gmail rather. It's cheaper - can't get cheaper than free - and
> just works better. Plus their anti-spam measures are very very good.
> I get about 1000 spams a month and average about 2 or 3 false
> positives and false negatives a month.

I second the Gmail suggestion, though Yahoo does provide free POP
access as it happens (I have it).

My logic for seconding the suggestion is I have recently experienced
e-mails from my server going missing after entering the Yahoo system.
They are the ONLY email provider where this has happened to me.

Just my 2 cents,

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