Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> But it is a problem that must be addressed. It doesn't help to boil
> the situation into an inaccurate but amusing caricature of the
> problem. That's how the many bad interfaces get developed.
> The problem is solved for my case. I'm not going to be using html
> mails. But ignoring the problem isn't going to make it disappear for
> everyone else - there isn't a way for a user to find out they're being
> ignored. That's all that needs to be said.
I've seen plenty of emails going around requesting people not top-post
and not to post via html.  I don't think it's as big of a problem as
this thread makes it out to be.  While I'm sure some people do ignore
posts that fall into those categories, there's not really much you or I
can do about it.  You admit that you ignore anything that you're not
looking for, maybe we should address that group of members on this
list.  One could argue that everybody should read every message and
comment if they can, but that's not what happens.

Do you honestly believe that people who ignore html emails are doing
something different than you for ignoring any post you don't care
about?  That argument can be easily silenced when you realize that some
people "don't care" for html formatted email.

Anyway, my purpose in sending that last post was to say my piece and
shut up, not continue this thread as I'm getting tired of it and I'm
going to ignore it very soon.

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