On 12/22/08, Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The bug report is not about the clarity of an already-late reminder.
> The problem is that it was late for me, it will be late for a few
> hundred other posters after me, and it will be late for a few hundred
> posters after them unless something is done about it. Hence the bug
> report. Hopefully a presubscription FAQ or guide could at least curb
> such problems.

But the confusing part here is that most people *will* get the warning
from the oldtimers even when they've already "transgressed" against
the netiquette. Even you got one now, once you didn't have a
Gnome-specific subject like your emails in the archives.

So, I have another theory, related to the cry "Gentoo is dying!
${HERD} is down to one dev only!", i.e, low manpower. My guess is that
Gentoo (or at least this gentoo-user list) is low on Gnome-proficient

That would make the E17, Fluxbox, ratpoison and KDE-running oldtimers
skip your (correctly Gnome-subjected) emails altogether and then there
would be no "Gnome-using-oldtimer" to catch the ball.

Does this sound plausible?

Arttu V.

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