Most of what is being expressed here is supposedly reasonable caution, which
it is not, because you ignore that fact that geoengineering very likely will
be needed come what may, and reasonable funding will change the activity
from discussion to active research, which is sorely needed. By knocking it
down you are either promoting your own agenda or playing into the hands of
the AGW group. Why can you not address the issue of need independent of a
particular technology.


Or do you believe consensus, a la IPCC, substitutes for good science and
good contingency planning.


[] On Behalf Of Manu Sharma
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:39 AM
To: Geoengineering
Subject: [geo] Re: Manifesto for Geoengineering


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Alan Robock <>

There is no consensus among readers of this group.
A few of you are completely gung ho, with no interest in evaluating the
risks as well as the benefits of any policy recommendation, but that
does not represent the views of very many.


I completely agree with Alan's views. My impression is that this is far too
nascent a field to actively promote itself. I too suspect that a large
majority of group members, and a silent one at that, is skeptical of the
"gung ho brigade" of this group. 


A lot of what's being professed here is largely personal opinion and
research that is long way from getting established. Peter's contention of
large-scale sustainable afforestation as a low-cost and feasible course of
action for dramatic emission reductions being a case in point. 


By the way, Peter, I'm happy to see you include artificial trees as part of
the equation. I consider Klaus Lackner's artificial trees as the single most
attractive geoengineering technology out there. Since cost and viability of
large-scale sustainable afforestation is yet to be established, it cannot be
said which one's a better option amongst the two carbon stock management






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