Bolla, Péter wrote:
> Hi,
> The problem with the timestamps come up in the case of the tracks. For 
> waypoints - a point feature - you can store the geographic coordinates 
> in the geometry, and the timestamp as an attributte. But with tracks - 
> which intuitively should be a linestring - you can have timestamps for 
> every and each node, so you can't store that as an attributte. The 
> current implementation of the GPX datastore in the repository extends 
> JTS to use 4 coordinates for every point, so it can store the 
> timestamp along with the geometry, and I could even define a compound 
> CRS with 4 axes (lat, lon, elevation, time), but no other part of the 
> library suports this construct. For example if I try to load a track 
> into udig, it will try to transform it to an other CRS, but that will 
> fail.
> My ideas for a solution:
> - Instead of a linestring, tracks are loaded as series of point 
> features. This way timstamps can be saved.
> - Just drop timestamps, and add the start time and end time as 
> attributtes. This is the way how Google Earth use GPX files. But this 
> way is only plausible if using as read-only datastore, as it looses 
> information.
> - I don't really understand "complex features", but if I'm right, with 
> those the two previous solution could be combined: tracks would load 
> as an assosication between a linestring and point features for each 
> node of the linestring.
I am afraid sharing a point between a feature and a linestring is more a 
function of the ISO Geometry model (sorry).
> My current opinion is that both the first and second solution should 
> be implemented, and the user should be able to choose between them 
> with hints.
Here is an alternative; you can ask a JTS CoordinateSequence to hold 
your own Coordinates that can include x,y,z and a time stamp. While this 
is easier with ISO Geometry (where your CRS could literally be x,y,time) 
you can certaintly fake it with JTS right now.


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