Ben Caradoc-Davies ha scritto:
> On 18/05/10 14:38, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> How is the test coverage?
> OK. All encoding test are in GeoServer.
>> Is it a single module or multimodule?
> Multiple. gt-app-schema, gt-app-schema-resolver (coming soon), 
> gt-sample-data-access (for testing).
>> You are the maintainer for all of them?
> Yes.
>>> All the docs and much of the test coverage is in GeoServer.
>> Ah, much of the test coverage where it cannot be measured... ugh...
>> does it go beyond 40% with the tests in Geotools?
> Even if it did (which I doubt), most of the breakage occurs in bad 
> encoded output, which is an integration problem of combining 
> gt-app-schema with the encoder in a GeoServer WFS configuration.
> Until GEOT-2948 was fixed, it was not possible to write a full encoder 
> configuration for testing app-schema encoding outside GeoServer, because 
> of the (then) fragile nature of configurations. With Justin's changes 
> this is much more robust, and it now should be possible, but all of our 
> encoding tests are in GeoServer. Furthermore, given the very complicated 
> test fixtures, a GeoServer data directory is pretty much the best way of 
> setting them up. We could in theory now backport all out encoding tests 
> from GeoServer app-schema-test to GeoTools. And where would be set the 
> schemaLocations? A lot of breakage is in the interaction with 
> FeatureTypeSchemaBuilder, which is in GeoServer.

Ok, this goes against the graduation rules, you don't have the necessary
testing coverage.

I don't see it as a blocker myself, as you say you have the testing
in GeoServer, but at the same time I don't want to start adding 
precedents of module graduations that formally break the graduation
rules (when another module is in the same situation what do we do,
negate graduation because the maintainer is not a friend/PMC member?)

I think the best way to handle this is to call for a full PMC vote,
it is an exceptional situation and requires slightly exceptional
measures. Should be quick and provide the necessary backing for
bending the rule on this particular occasion.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.


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