Hi Andrea,

Thank you for look at it ! Here are some answers to your questions and 

> Looked at the proposal and the patch, a few questions:
> * the proposal should tell how are you addressing the dicotomy between 
> CoordinateReferenceSystem and the SRS string which is required by the 
> BBOX interface (the CRS might not have a way to be represented as an SRS)
How is this different than creating a BBOX filter from a non-3D 
ReferencedEnvelope. I notice the following method is used:
CRS.toSRS( bounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() )
I could do this for ReferencedEnvelope3D 's too.

At the moment, I am not even implementing the getSRS method because I 
partially based myself on the FastBBOX implementation who doesn't 
either. The method is deprecated anyway.

In any case, this is not an issue that is specific of using a 
ReferencedEnvelope3D instead of a ReferencedEnvelope to represent the 
bounding box and crs.
What do you think?

> * ReferencedEnvelope3D extends ReferenceEnvelope (not 
> ReferenceEnvelope3D)... this is just a typo anyways
> * It would be nice to have 
> ReferencedEnvelope.reference(org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) method 
> building the proper
>   ReferencedEnvelope object based on the number of dimensions of the 
> provided Envelope

Sure, can be done.

> * for the trasform method imho a better, but simple implementation 
> would be to reproject the x,y and leave the Z
>    unaltered (but preserve it). This is what JTS.tarnsform(Geometry, 
> MathTransform) does today, so it would also preserve
>    consistency within the library
Okay, I can do that.
> * About the usage of the CRS to determine if the dimensions are 3 I 
> have my doubts... the support for 3D CRS is
>   not very good in GeoTools, I believe the common usage would be 2d+1 
> with a 2d crs with 3 ordinates
I am not really sure I know what you mean here.
I think only in the app-schema test code I take the dimensions from the 
CRS, but this seems to work fine, it seems to be in line with the 
official descriptions of the CRS's. Geoserver does accepts a third 
coordinate even when you use for example EPSG:4283, which is strictly a 
2D CRS, but the correct way to do this is use the newer EPSG:4979 
instead which does officially support 3 coordinates. I think the correct 
behaviour is used for testing and proven to past.

> * I see BBOX3D is a new type of filter that the stores need to 
> implement support for. Which means right now we're
>   going to have full in memory evaluation of these 3d bboxes for all 
> stores, which is going to be tremendously slow.

This is true. But I think in any case, the post-filter must initially be 
supported as a fallback at all times. Support on SQL level needs to be 
programmed for each DBMS type individually. I left this option open, but 
the changes do not include this. I think they should best be implemented 
afterwards to improve performance, once we have the core functionality 

> * I see no support for building a BBOX3D filter by parsing XML or CQL, 
> which means there is no real way to use it besides
>   building it programmatically, how is this going to be handled?
I am not sure if I understand you question completely, but is it 
possible the above answer apply to this also?


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