Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your time!

On 08/12/2012 04:09 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> There is a mix of things that confuse me a bit here:
> * the method in the transformation is purely 2D anyways, you won't get
>   a 3D envelope out of it (it samples the 2D perimeter of the original 
> bounds
>   to make an accurate transformation)
> * it may be legit to transform a 3D bbox into a 2D one, because maybe you
>   are integrating it with some 2D data, the proper way to go from 3D to 2D
>   should be a MathTransform.

The method in ReferencedEnvelope3D uses the 2D transforming method, only 
looking at the first 2 dimensions, and getting a 2D envelope back, but 
then just restores the third coordinate so it stays the same and 
actually does return a 3D envelope.
Proper 3D transformations is one of the challenges we face with the 3d 

> Makes sense, but makes me wonder at the same time, what happens if you
> return a 3D geometry instead? I guess you had something break?
The problem is to make a proper geometry of a bounding box, you will 
need a three dimensional polygonal surface, to represent a cube. If I 
understand correctly, there is no support for this kind of geometries in 
geotools atm and it is basically a whole new JTS that needs to be 
written for this kind of support.
At the same time, I think there might be other, more efficient ways to 
translate the 3D bbox query to sql.

> In general, given your experience with your proposal, what would you 
> say are the
> missing bits/steps to work on (outside of this proposal) to make 3D 
> data and queries
> really work?
Well, the vividsolutions JTS library does support a third coordinate but 
in practice it only has support for 2D complex structures and 
algorithms. This is the biggest problem. I think to make 3d fully 
operational, I think we almost need to rewrite the whole JTS library.


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