
I am trying to make an overview of all the changes that require me to do to the patch and proposal to get them passed.
This is what I have so far:

Implement ReferencedEnvelope3D.reference(org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) method
    Implement better Transform method
Use CRS.toSRS( bounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() ) to return SRS string in filter class
    ? Support for bbox3d in OGC post filters
    ? change dimension/srs checking in ReferencedEnvelope

Proposal Text:
    Add Implications for Filter Visitors (and docs)

Does that cover it?


On 08/06/2012 10:45 AM, Niels Charlier wrote:

I'm not saying that you have to do everything at once, can you answer
the simple question above though?
Restating it: "How sure you are that you're going to implement proper
encoding of 3D bboxes at the very least for JDBC stores (and possibly
for shapefiles as well?)"
I am sorry, I cannot give you a guarantee about that at this moment.

I have looked at the patch and I don't see where in the code you are
handling the parsing of a BBOX filter
coming from a OGC filter in a POST request, or a BBOX coming from a
CQL filter.
If you are not planning to support them please state so, if you are
planning to do please clarify how
and when
The current patch and proposal does not include these features. However,
I'd understand that WFS post requests need to at least support the same
features as wfs get requests. Please let me know the minimum
requirements with regards to this to get the patch approved.

The proposal is effectively adding a new type of filter, normally that
would require a change
in the filter visitor API to handle such new filter explicitly,
however this case is peculiar
in that the new filter extends an existing one.

This means the API might not be in need of change, but it has
consequences on the API.
In particular, all filter visitors dedicated to the manipulation of
filters (including the
simplifiying filter visitor) will create a copy that's a plain 2D
BBOX, and the CQL encoder
will encode the bbox as a 2D one.

I see there is in the code:

I'm sure this works with most/all of the existing code, but is this
the right way to go?
Given that most filters manipulating filters are extending from the
duplicating filter visitor,
wouldn't it be better to fix that one instead?
Also, I believe the ReprojectingFilterVisitor won't work properly with
the above hack,
and that it might need some logic changes (a way consistent with
geometry reprojection
would be to reproject the 2d component of the bbox and leave the 3d
part move
unaltered to the result)

Also, given this is an API change there should be some documentation on a
"upgrade to 9.x" page telling people to expect this new kind of filter
in their custom
visitors, and probably some changes on the FilterVisitor javadocs are
in order as well.

This is one problematic area of the proposal, it would have been
better to point
it out in the proposal document instead of having people have to
review the code
in order to see it: a good proposal is also showing what is _not_
covered/done and
what the potentially problematic areas are (and how the problems have
been addressed).
Yes, you have a point here, this is a weak part. I stole the code from
your fastbbox, but it is indeed an ugly hack. I would be happy to change
the filter visitors instead, but I was trying to minimise changes to the
I am sorry I didn't point this out in the proposal, I will do something
about it.

This went a bit off the tangent, but here is the part that affects the
filtering code.
Say I have a layer in postgis that is declared as EPSG:4326 with
(perfectly legit in postgis), how am I going to filter it using BBOX3D?
It seems whatever I do I might be in some issue from some point of view:
* if I state the crs is EPSG:4326 then the dimensionality check in
   will make it impossible to build the filter
* as a user I could know that I have to use EPSG:4327 instead, but this
   will make the CRS inconsistent with the one on the DBMS.. besides that,
   I don't see an immediate way for automated code to build the "3d
   of a 2d system, and the layer will be declared in the feature type
as having
   EPSG:4326 (since that's what we reflect out of the database)
The method checkCoordinateReferenceSystemDimension is identical to the
one in its superclass, ReferencedEnvelope. (In fact, I should remove
this copy-pasted method and instead make it protected instead of private
in its superclass, this is left-over from changing the class structure).
So the existing implementation already checks the srs's dimensionality
against this. This means that is now forbidden to apply a 2D bbox
against a 3D SRS. It only seemed logical for me to extend the same logic
to situation the other way around.
I would personally recommend to use a 3D SRS if you have 3D geometries,
even in postgis, this seems to me like the best way to work. If this is
not desired behaviour, I think it is not just my changes, but the
existing code of the ReferencedEnvelope class that must be reviewed.
Perhaps I could change the check to test if the dimension of SRS < than
the dimension of the bbox? Does that make any sense at all?

I find it suprising that 3D reprojection works indeed. Afaik to do it
one needs proper support
for vertical CRSs, which is contained in referencing3D. I though that
module was not complete,
have you looked into it and found otherwise?
As far as I know that module isn't functional.
I admit I am not 100% knowledgeable about everything in this field, I
have only been learning this SRS stuff the past few months, so there is
still a lot I don't know.
I am only needing to reproject point and linestring geometries with 3d
coordinates. Perhaps that explains it.
The third coordinate seems to be transformed adequately in my tests.

Niels Charlier

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