I ran through an exercise of building a set of common featuretypes by doing
a word count on across a number of gazetteer or gazetteer like taxonomies
(Geonames, OSM, USGS, etc). I found out that there wasn't much agreement
across them even just by simple word counts, let alone agreement on

Despite that, having a taxonomy of featuretypes is handy for search.
Jamming a taxonomy into schema.org's Places can become a bit arbitrary at
times and it's possible to extend Places. My feeling is that context is key
in creating taxonomies. For example, Geonames is good for place
featuretypes at the scale of a city and OSM is good for taxonomies of
places that people would be interested in while on vacation. It's tough to
build a generic taxonomy of places because the context can shift depending
on the usage.


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Joshua Lieberman <j...@oklieb.net> wrote:

> Sean,
> I would agree that somehow agreeing on a complete set of global feature
> types is overambitious, but it is still important to capture local feature
> concepts and try to express mappings between them, both in space and in
> time. That said, any progress made in a common core of concepts will make
> such a set of tasks easier, and Geonames is as good a place as any to
> start. Perhaps starting by identifying those feature types which have the
> widest usage within Geonames itself.
> -Josh
> On Jun 25, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Sean Gillies <sean.gill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Josh (and all),
> IIRC, in our gazetteering session at the 2011 AAG a panel concluded that
> the era of global place or feature type taxonomies was over. Do you think
> that's still a valid conclusion? Should schema.org be advised to stay
> away from this area?
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Joshua Lieberman <j...@oklieb.net>wrote:
>> ... so what might we say of it in Schema.org?
>> Well, maybe we would say it's an Island? Pretty tough,
>> http://schema.org/Landform has Volcano and Continent but no island.
>> Are there standard medium-sized lists of expected values we should be
>> using here?
>> From Geonames.org: ISLisland a tract of land, smaller than a continent,
>> surrounded by water at high water ISLETislet small island, bigger than
>> rock, smaller than island. ISLFartificial island an island created by
>> landfill or diking and filling in a wetland, bay, or lagoon ISLMmangrove
>> island a mangrove swamp surrounded by a waterbody ISLSislands tracts of
>> land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water 
>> ISLTland-tied
>> island a coastal island connected to the mainland by barrier beaches,
>> levees or dikes ISLXsection of island ISTH isthmusa narrow strip of land
>> connecting two larger land masses and bordered by water
>> Ok so picking from http://schema.org/Place ... let's go with
>> http://schema.org/TouristAttraction. Maybe we'll describe the island,
>> and then use Place's containedIn relation to describe the city (also
>> called Korcula) that's on the island.
>> So, it's a thing of type http://schema.org/TouristAttraction  ... it
>> has a 'geo' property pointing to a thing that is of type
>> http://schema.org/GeoShape ... which in turn has a 'polygon' property
>> whose value is the Text,
>> "17.052154541015, 42.984695434571 17.108459472656, 42.969589233399
>> 17.140045166015, 42.962722778321 17.166137695312, 42.942123413087
>> 17.181243896484, 42.929763793946 17.212829589844, 42.922897338868
>> 17.208709716797, 42.898178100587 17.177124023437, 42.898178100587
>> 17.090606689453, 42.895431518555 16.964263916015, 42.911911010743
>> 16.839294433594, 42.87208557129 16.833801269531, 42.888565063477
>> 16.732177734375, 42.895431518555 16.725311279297, 42.892684936524
>> 16.670379638672, 42.910537719727 16.656646728515, 42.896804809571
>> 16.618194580078, 42.927017211915 16.658020019531, 42.95997619629
>> 16.658020019531, 42.962722778321 16.603088378906, 43.001174926758
>> 16.658020019531, 43.008041381837 16.857147216797, 42.979202270508
>> 17.052154541015, 42.984695434571".
>> As discussed earlier, the first and last pairs are identical.
>> I could write this out long-hand in Microdata or RDFa Lite, but the
>> basic model is the key concern. I think we're getting somewhere,
>> thanks for your help!
>> Nearby in the Web, Wikipedia has pages for both island and city,
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kor%C4%8Dula and
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kor%C4%8Dula_(town)<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kor%C4%8Dula_%28town%29>
>> It's also btw the alleged-birthplace-of
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo but let's get the basics
>> working first :)
>> cheers,
>> Dan
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> Sean Gillies
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