
Bernard Vatant kindly pointed me at
http://www.geonames.org/statistics/total.html which gives some raw
material info on which features are most common.

A sample from spot features section, where the number is the count in geonames

132     S.CMPLA labor camp      a camp used by migrant or temporary laborers
131     S.RSGNL railroad signal a signal at the entrance of a particular
section of track governing the movement of trains
128     S.SNTR  sanatorium      a facility where victims of physical or mental
disorders are treated
128     S.ZOO   zoo     a zoological garden or park where wild animals are kept
for exhibition
125     S.PKLT  parking lot     an area used for parking vehicles [...]

I don't think this ranking correlates in any simple-minded way with
the kinds of features people care most about for mainstream search
apps. But then, if there are more labor camps than parking lots in the
world, it seems important that this be preserved in structured data
sharing. Most likely more many many people search for parking lots
than for labor camps; but many people also use search products to
decide travel plans, a scenario in which both kinds of feature might
be equally relevant. My gut feeling is to patch up the high level
stuff we have in schema.org to fix any obvious omissions, and then
find a mechanisms based on
for including the full detail by reference.



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