Pam, Lorraine and others,

Just one clarification. Article 5 does indeed say that supported actions by
non Annex 1 parties alone are subject to international MRV, but it is
important to note the additional sentence:
"Non-Annex I Parties will communicate information on the implementation of
their actions through National Communications, with provisions for
international consultations and analysis under clearly defined guidelines
that will ensure that national sovereignty is respected."

This sentence implies that non-supported mitigation actions, while not
subject to international MRV, will be communicated to the Parties and while
be subject to "consultation and analysis." This is compromise text short of
international MRV, but which goes beyond many developing countries' demands
that these be entirely off limits for international scrutiny. THis was a
huge stumbling block to a deal and is one of the 2-3 biggest political
redlines here in India. The text only really partially fixes the problem
since the devil will lie in the details of consultation and analysis. But it
does enable the Parties to park the issue and move on.

For those interested the WSJ website has the text along with commentary by
three observers: a WWF rep, someone from the American Chamber of Commerce,
and myself as a "developing country" voice. Unsurprisingly, we all perform
true to type in our reading of the text.


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:45 AM, Pam Chasek <> wrote:

> I'm in the middle of editing the ENB summary on this crazy meeting, but
> I'll take a minute to respond. See my comments below.
> Pam
> Pamela S. Chasek, Ph.D.
> Executive Editor, Earth Negotiations Bulletin
> IISD Reporting Services
> 300 East 56th Street #11A New York, NY 10022 USA
> Tel: +1 212-888-2737- Fax: +1 646 219 0955
> E-mail:
> International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
> IISD Reporting Services - Earth Negotiations Bulletin
> Subscribe for free to our publications
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Lorraine Elliott
> Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 9:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Copenhagen result
> Hi all
> A few quick questions in finding one's way through the Accord - surely
> some of the most garbled syntax adopted at an international negotiation?
> While the 2 degrees celsius number is mentioned at least twice, as I
> read it there isn't actually a /formal /commitment to that as a
> stabilization target.
> PAM: No, as I understand it, there is no formal commitment. Furthermore,
> since countries will be able to indicate whether they want to be associated
> with this or not, it has even less meaning. And it was only "taken note of"
> by the COP -- not adopted.
> Article 5 is rather confusing but it seems to say that mitigation
> actions by non-Annex I parties will be subject to their own MRV
> processes unless they are seeking 'international support' in which case
> they will be subject to the same international MRV as for Annex I
> parties. Have I read this correctly?
> PAM: As I understand it, if they receive international support for their
> mitigation actions, they will be subject to international MRV. If no support
> is provided (think China), then they will do their own domestic MRV.
> Clarification on article 8 - $100 billion by 2020 of which $30 billion
> should be forthcoming in the period 2010-12, yes?
> PAM: Actually it says $100 billion a year by 2020.
> Appendix I - on emissions targets for Annex I parties by 2020, also
> includes a column for base year. Does this mean that countries can set
> their own base year rather than being tied to the 1990 levels in the KP?
> PAM: Yes, Annex I parties can set their own, as I understand it.
> Cheers (or not as the case may be)
> Lorraine
> --
> Dr Lorraine Elliott
> Senior Fellow in International Relations
> Department of International Relations
> Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
> The Australian National University
> Canberra, ACT 0200
> t: +61 2 6125 0589
> f: +61 2 6125 8010
> e:


Navroz K. Dubash
Senior Fellow
Centre for Policy Research
Dharma Marg
New Delhi 110 021
Tel: +91-11-2611-5273/74/75/76
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