On 2/13/11, LightningIsMyName wrote:

> I'm starting this thread to list ideas for Google Summer of Code 2011,
> for the GIMP project. Since in the last year collecting ideas was done
> partially by the mailing list, let's try it again this year and keep
> most ideas here.

In 2009 and 2010 guiguru did GIMP related usability workshops that
haven't resulted in a spec yet (the 2008 one has), but some useful
material presumably is available:

- vector layers and drawing geometric primitives [1]
- unification of selection tools (no reports from it, IIRC)

[1] http://blog.mmiworks.net/2009_07_01_archive.html

Could those be GSoC projects as well? At least unification of
selection tools could become a project to povide infrastructure for
gegl based selection tools (or am I missing an existing one?).

Another idea was, IIRC, an on-canvas iWarp implementation on top of
improved gegl op implemented last GSoC for cage transform so that it
worked out of cage.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-developer mailing list

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