I could think of fully hardware accelerated rendering. Most modern  hardware 
provides accelerated rendering and many tools could be speed up  significantly. 
The CPU just doesn't scale well when it comes to current  image resolutions and 
some brush types (smooth, smear, etc.). Also the  performance to display 
multiple layers or adjusting them could be much  faster.

Just remembering my last work (a drawing), that i barely could finish, since it 
got  very slow over time.

Am 08.03.2011 19:21, schrieb Alexandre Prokoudine:
> On 2/13/11, LightningIsMyName wrote:
>> I'm starting this thread to list ideas for Google Summer of Code 2011,
>> for the GIMP project. Since in the last year collecting ideas was done
>> partially by the mailing list, let's try it again this year and keep
>> most ideas here.
> In 2009 and 2010 guiguru did GIMP related usability workshops that
> haven't resulted in a spec yet (the 2008 one has), but some useful
> material presumably is available:
> - vector layers and drawing geometric primitives [1]
> - unification of selection tools (no reports from it, IIRC)
> [1] http://blog.mmiworks.net/2009_07_01_archive.html
> Could those be GSoC projects as well? At least unification of
> selection tools could become a project to povide infrastructure for
> gegl based selection tools (or am I missing an existing one?).
> Another idea was, IIRC, an on-canvas iWarp implementation on top of
> improved gegl op implemented last GSoC for cage transform so that it
> worked out of cage.
> Alexandre Prokoudine
> http://libregraphicsworld.org
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