> >> - vector layers and drawing geometric primitives [1]
> >
> > I'm not convinced of the notion of vector layers. Sure they can be
> > nice addition but I fear they'll end up being quite frustrating. I
> > think so because to make them as ellastic and usable as in vector
> > graphics editors one'd have to double such editor in GIMP. If one
> > won't do that then there's a danger of whole tool being not much
> > more than a toy. I'm not generally enemy of the idea, but I've got
> > my fears and doubts if it hase to be done that way.
> There are, in fact, different proposal, if you read the page. Each of
> the three groups came up with a different idea. So there is not *one*
> way, but actually three ways for you to have fears and doubts about
> :)

Oh dear! ;)

> > I've got a dream about visual editing program consisting of
> > different components, each taking care of one of presentation
> > aspects with one underlaying rendering engine (target aware
> > angine—I don't like cairo's “I don't care what's on the end”
> > attitude ;)).
> It's what we, utter geeks, call a framework :)

That adds +10 to "coolness" but don't let everybody know ;)

> Deneba/ACD Canvas was an attempt to create such one, but it was done
> on top of software started in mid 80s. Sometimes a whole week passes
> when I don't wake up in cold sweat seeing it in my dreams.

Funny stuff… :). But seriously, sometimes it's good for somebody to try
a thing that didn't work out last time. Because of that stubborness
we're able to fly by airplanes nowadays ;).

I consider idea of one flexible uberapp much more sensible and
appealing than implementing wee bit of “alien world” in different
apps—just seems half-solution for me.


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