Dear Colleagues,

The issue with access to international donors for indigenous NGOs is not
really related to their having information about the existence of such
donors, but with their ability to deal with the donors in a manner that
is acceptable to the donor. Basically, they need to speak the language
of the donor, and often local NGOs are not sophisticated in that aspect;
there are cultural obstacles to begin with. Many donors, as some have
discussed here, required a great deal of work for a small amount of
funding, many would not ever deal with indigenous NGOs, often a great
deal of cost sharing is required which is prohibitively high for local
NGOs... It is no wonder many large NGOs hire professional proposal
writers - donors require that level of detail and this requirement can
rarely be met by small indigenous NGOs.

A database sounds like a great idea, and some similar attempts of such
networks have been made before. I just wonder, however, what would be
the use of such site. Donors do not usually go out looking for


Zoya Naskova

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