On Jan 20, 2010, at 1:17 PM, al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:

gNS developers,

please, can you explain what do you mean saying:
"there will be a minimal option somewhere"?

there will be a text-only installation process?

there will be also a text-only installation mode (to obtain, after the
installation steps, a text-only system *without* any desktop enviroment
installed on)?

Have you tried beta 1? I did, and it's very much like the Debian installer. This isn't surprising since the next version is based on Debian.

So think about the Debian installer if you want to know what's possible: Debian's installer is text-based although a GUI is also available, and, at least in Expert mode, you can unselect everything during install to get a very minimal system... enough to boot up to a console & not much else. I personally am very happy about the switch to Debian as upstream.

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