On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 21:16:22 +0100
al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:

> Il giorno giovedì 21/01/2010 20:26:40 CET
> Karl Goetz <k...@kgoetz.id.au> ha scritto:
> [...]
> > > also, i suggest the gNS3 installer would let users to choose
> > > almost another (light) desktop rather than gnome (fluxbox should
> > > be nice)...
> > 
> > No. Install it on a minimal system if you want it.
> i suggested this just to help people to have gNS installed and running
> with a free "light" desktop also on old and poor hardware... (fluxbox
> was an example...)

The people who have systms unable to run gnome are the same people who
have no dvd drives. Adding more desktops to the install cd will push it
over 1 cd, and either put us back in in 2001 for install usability, or
force us to use dvds.

ps. fix your mail client. messages should only go to the list, not me
with the list cc'd.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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