Il giorno giovedì 21/01/2010 20:26:40 CET
Karl Goetz <> ha scritto:

> > there will be a text-only installation process?
> For ncurses values of 'text', yes.
> > there will be also a text-only installation mode (to obtain, after
> > the installation steps, a text-only system *without* any desktop
> > enviroment installed on)?
> Its planned at the moment.
> > a lot of people (expecially guys doing trashware [1] all around the
> I've never heard it called that before, but I am familiar the concept.
> > world) *need* both this features, so they would be able to install
> > gNS on old and/or non-powerful computers, eventually adding a light
> > desktop environment only *after* the installation
> I disagree with this statement ("*need both these features"), but
> thats a side issue.

adding a light desktop environment only *after* the installation
could help if the hardware is not able to run a "heavy" desktop
enviroment (such as maybe gnome or kde)

> > also, i suggest the gNS3 installer would let users to choose almost
> > another (light) desktop rather than gnome (fluxbox should be
> > nice)...
> No. Install it on a minimal system if you want it.

i suggested this just to help people to have gNS installed and running
with a free "light" desktop also on old and poor hardware... (fluxbox
was an example...)

al3xu5 / dotcommon

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