Il giorno venerdì 22/01/2010 09:47:27 CET
Karl Goetz <> ha scritto:

> > i suggested this just to help people to have gNS installed and
> > running with a free "light" desktop also on old and poor
> > hardware... (fluxbox was an example...)
> The people who have systms unable to run gnome are the same people who
> have no dvd drives. 

That is true. 

> Adding more desktops to the install cd will push
> it over 1 cd, 

oh... I could not think about this

A Debian-based installer with a text-only installation process and a
text-only installation mode (to obtain, after the installation steps, a
text-only system without any desktop enviroment installed on) would be
enough to install gNS on "old" systems

Adding more desktop other than gnome was just a suggestion.

> and either put us back in in 2001 for install
> usability, or force us to use dvds.

yes... I agree these could be problems

> ps. fix your mail client. messages should only go to the list, not me
> with the list cc'd.

nothing to fix with the client, just fix me to push the right button :)
excuse me

al3xu5 / dotcommon

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