2010/1/21 al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org>:
> Il giorno mercoledì 20/01/2010 14:10:43 CET
> Jason Self <jason.s...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> [...]
>> > please, can you explain what do you mean saying:
>> > "there will be a minimal option somewhere"?
>> >
>> > there will be a text-only installation process?
>> >
>> > there will be also a text-only installation mode (to obtain, after
>> > the installation steps, a text-only system *without* any desktop
>> > enviroment
>> > installed on)?
>> Have you tried beta 1?

Where is it available for download?
Quiliro Ordóñez
593(02)340 1517 / 593(09)821 8696

"¿Sólo cuando el último árbol esté muerto, el último río envenenado y
el último pez atrapado nos daremos cuenta que no se puede comer
"Only when the last tree is dead, the last river is poisoned and the
last fish is caught will we realize that money is not edible?"

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