On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:17:51 +0100
al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:

> Il giorno giovedì 21/01/2010 08:54:50 CET
> Karl Goetz <k...@kgoetz.id.au> ha scritto:
> > On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 14:52:57 -0400
> > Freemor <free...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> > 
> > > This brings up a question for gNS 3.0 will there be an option to
> > > choose the default desktop during the install? Could this option
> > > be added without it being a gigantic pain in the arse? No worries
> > > in not I'll just install to gnewsense-standard and then build in
> > > the environment I want. Just thought the above would be nice for
> > > the less technically inclined.
> > 
> > Hopefull there will be a minimal option somewhere, but probably not
> > a list of desktops.
> karl, 
> gNS developers, 
> please, can you explain what do you mean saying: 
> "there will be a minimal option somewhere"?

This was addressed by someone else.

> there will be a text-only installation process?

For ncurses values of 'text', yes.

> there will be also a text-only installation mode (to obtain, after the
> installation steps, a text-only system *without* any desktop
> enviroment installed on)?

Its planned at the moment.

> a lot of people (expecially guys doing trashware [1] all around the

I've never heard it called that before, but I am familiar the concept.

> world) *need* both this features, so they would be able to install
> gNS on old and/or non-powerful computers, eventually adding a light
> desktop environment only *after* the installation

I disagree with this statement ("*need both these features"), but thats
a side issue.

> also, i suggest the gNS3 installer would let users to choose almost
> another (light) desktop rather than gnome (fluxbox should be nice)...

No. Install it on a minimal system if you want it.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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